Kansas City Residential Exterminator Services
Eco Elite Pest Control offers a professional, thorough service for all of our customers. We pride ourselves on our customer servicing and professionalism. We focus on creating a barrier on the exterior perimeter of your home to keep out unwanted pests. We also treat the home’s interior by targeting the most common invaded areas as well as using the most effective product for the pest problem at hand. Below is a detailed list of what you can expect from Eco Elite.Exterior Treatment
- Perimeter spray -We will put a liquid barrier around the perimeter of your home to protect from invaders. We also target and spray the eves, under the deck, and entry points of your home. This keeps your home protected ants, spiders, and other common invaders.
- Granulation -We will spread a granule treatment 10 to 15 feet around the home to eliminate nesting pests and repel pest from closing in on the home during the summer and winter. During the spring and fall when pests are trying to grow and store food we use a granular bait to get the most effective results.
- Dewebbing -We will remove spider webs, wasp nests, and mud dauber nests from your eaves and treat the eaves to help prevent them from returning.
- Baiting -In kitchen and bathroom areas where necessary Bait can be used for pest elimination.
- Baseboard treatment – We use a non-staining odorless tank mix solution to put the product right where the bugs are traveling so they have the highest chance of coming in contact with the product.
- Crack & Crevice -We will treat any cracks and crevices throughout the home where pests are likely to nest or find harborage.
- Attic, Crawlspace, and Garage – We will treat these areas accordingly to ensure a complete and thorough service.

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